The Stonington Cemetery Association is a 501(c)13 non-profit organization. We are governed by a Board of Directors. Much of the work of maintaining the grounds, financial management, record keeping, and public relations is performed by volunteers. Paid contractors are responsible for customer service, regular grounds maintenance, bookkeeping, and burial services.
Our revenue is derived from the sale of plots and from burial services and through the support of our community. Annual financial reports are prepared by a certified public accountant.
In 2018 we were awarded a listing on the National Register of Historic Places. A proposal submitted by R. Christopher Goodwin in 2017 was approved in June 2018. The designation recognizes our importance to the history of our region and our nation.
Kyle Berg, President
Rachel Adam Rogers, Vice-President
Stewart Joseph, Secretary
Frederick Souza, Treasurer
Frances Ashley
Phillip Darrell
Hardin Gray
Daniel Hasson
Jaime Lewis
Steven Muller
John Olmstead
Gary Van Zante
Erica Lindberg Mitchell, Chair
Lynn Callahan
Ann Freeman
Robert R. Simmons
Stuart Vyse
We welcome community involvement. Help can be as simple and undirected as picking up fallen sticks and small branches as you walk the grounds. If you make piles at the intersections, they will be removed.
During our Fall Clean Up we'll be engaged in larger chores - cutting brush, removing spent decorations, etc. From time to time, there are specific larger projects. Volunteers have contributed to our organization in many ways during the past several years.
If you'd like to offer your services, or it you have an idea for your own project, please let us know. We'd like to hear from you.